New to Kensington Community Church or interested in the Field and Stream Team (FAST), tell us a bit about your interests. If you're not new, tell us about your KCC experience, FAST, and your hobbies.
My wife, Danielle, and I started attending Kensington in 2006 and I joined FAST in late fall 2007 to connect with other men at KCC that love the outdoors. It's been one of the best decisions of my life. I have met great men through FAST and Kensington. They have been inspiring and have always been there in times of need. They have truly "sharpened" me as a man and I am very thankful for them. I joined FAST as a hack fisherman and wanted to get more into fly fishing. I also love to backpack, kayak, canoe, and spend extended trips outdoors anywhere. I've since picked up fly fishing, turkey hunting, and am looking forward to start bow hunting. FAST has provided me opportunities to learn from other men willing to share their time and knowledge. It has been a great experience and I look forward to the day I can help mentor others as well.
Not sure if you have my new phone numbe or not but here it is: