Royal Oak, MI
Birthday: May 17
Royal Oak, MI
May 17
New to Kensington Community Church or interested in the Field and Stream Team (FAST), tell us a bit about your interests. If you're not new, tell us about your KCC experience, FAST, and your hobbies.
Hello, I am a rather new to Kensington (first service was Easter 2014), and rather new to being a Christian. I've only begun identifying as one in the last couple months. I am currently a member of the Troy Security Team, and attending the Alpha class at Troy which is opening my eyes, and heart, to the Lord. I have dabbled in bow hunting for years, with no success at all, but love the outdoors and would relish in an opportunity to learn more about it, and the Christian faith, from those that have that experience. I'm a movie buff, work in the industrial technology industry (robotics), and enjoy camping, canoeing, and have recently begun learning more about bushcrafting, preparedness, and survival skills.
If attending Kensington Community Church, which campus do you regularly attend?
Troy Campus
bow hunt, deer hunt, turkey hunt, canoeing, camping