Hey Guys! Wanted to catch you up on a few things!
First, we will complete "Uprising" by Erwin McManus next Tuesday. What a great journey and tool for discipleship! We choose humility, faithfulness and gratitude. God adds integrity, courage, perseverance, wisdom, wholeness and generosity to our lives. We grow in discipleship and become more Christ like in our journey. What a message. Come join us at 7 pm for the wrap up at KCC Troy. Room 113. Bring someone.
Second, we are going to take a break during August--but there's BIG NEWS for Sept. and Oct. Greg Gibbs, KCC's Director of Finance and Development, has offered to come in and engage us in looking at God's plan for our finances and how we handle them. What an honor for the FAST Team. This is a big issue for marriages and for us personally, I suspect. It is one of those areas which we keep in the dark (what's your charge card limit these days?). Greg will help us get these issues into the light so that we grow in our walk. Please plan to join this 4 week, two month, study come September. Get the word out.
Finally, Bibles, Bows and Bogeys is the first weekend in October. I starting to get the fever! Get it in your calendar. If you've got a topic you think we should cover that weekend in our studies, let me know. Start practicing with that bow. Putting several additional food plots in next weekend. Apples (thanks to the FAST tree trimming team in March) are abundant. Corn is doing great. Added two acres of corn to the alfalfa field. Putting in a pole barn for additional sleeping. Getting excited. Hoping we have so many guys we need two additional portajohns!