Pebble Mine in Alaska

Hi all, not sure if you are familiar with the proposed Pebble Mine in Alaska, but if it goes through there is a chance it could wipe out most of the salmon runs that happen up there.  Take 2 minutes out of your day to follow the link below, and then click the take action button at the bottom.  All you have to do is fill out your name and address, and it automatically sends an email to Obama, the EPA president, your senators, and congresspeople.  It couldn't be easier.


If you are wary and want to learn more before emailing your congresspeople, look through the website and do the research.  Most cases in history where an open pit mine has been at the headwaters of a river, it has wiped out all river life below life with the toxic runoff from a leak, spill, or simply leeching into the groundwater.  You decide, the environment or a couple companies with already bad environmental track records getting rich. 

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