Some of you have met Mark Murray and some have not. Mark has been to most of our wild game dinners with his son Nicholas. (Nicholas was the winner of the youth bow two years ago.) Here is a photo of Nicholas with his prizes from that dinner. He also has another son Christopher who is younger than Nicholas. 

Mark is also the creator of the M3 gun oil that many of you have purchased at those dinners that he set up a booth. Mark has been battling brain cancer for some time now, and about a week ago, his wife Kim found him at the bottom of the stairs in the middle of the night. Without going through all the details of what was done medically to him, he is now home under Hospice care. 

Around Christmas time, Mark was excited to tell me how him and his wife Kim got their younger son Christopher a new Bow for Christmas. We were checking around for an indoor archery facility to go teach both Nicholas and Christopher how to shoot their bows. I believe God has used FAST to be a great influence on these children, and also on Mark. So please FAST members, add this family to your prayer list and be bold in your prayers. Thanks. 

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