My good FAST brothers HEY NOW!

     Last year Eileen and I went and served the homeless on a mission trip to New York City. Many of you supported us on that trip, and we greatly appreciated your help. Since that time we have been serving here in Detroit @ the BBQ in the Park, many of you have taken the opportunity to join us and that has been tremendous. Things have been going very well in my life God has been great and I have been very blessed. I now am asking       for your help and support, as I prepare to go to Haiti.

 One year after the devastating earth quake that killed over 300,000 and left more than a million homeless
much work still needs to be done. Rebuild is slow. Rubble remains, and the need in this already poor devastated country continues to grow. I feel compelled to join in the efforts to help. I know many of you would join me if you could, I know it's not that easy. I am asking for your help. If you would like to help, one way is by supporting my mission in any small way you can. Many times God works thru us, we are his hands and feet. Weather you go to Haiti or support others, you are involved, and are a very important part of that mission. I will be working with a mission team already established and on the ground in Haiti, called MISION OF HOPE
Mission of hope has been established in Haiti for over 10 years. They provide a home for orphans, spreading the Gospel and provide food, medicine and an education for poor Haitian people. The dates of the trip are May 21st thru the 28th and the total cost is $1500.00

 While in Haiti I will have the opportunity to:
. Work on construction teams
. Work in an orphanage that is home to 60 children
. Spend time ministering to children living in a number of orphanages
. Share the life of Jesus with a country that has very little

 Thank You for your prayers and financial support. I pray God will use me in a way that will benefit him and serve his Kingdom. If you would like to make a tax deductible donation> Please take a few moments to create an ID A reply by April 20th would be greatly appreciated.

My desire is to allow God to use me in any way, to impact the lives of others for Him, and to allow Him to change me at the same time
If you are unable to give at this time I completely understand. I would ask that you remember me and my team in your prayers as we prepare for our May 21st launch date.

 I am so thankful for your support and to have you as a part of my life. God bless.

                                            Sincerely Gator Dave


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