Global Rich List

Hey guys, just wanted to throw up a link to a website that can help to put our "tough" lives in perspective.  Go to  It is a simple website, but the results should blow your mind.  If it doesn't then maybe you should take a deep hard look at why you are on this planet in the first place.

Now you have the knowledge, but what are you going to do about it? 

Answer to the tough question: Why we should help people overseas vs. the "poor" in the US?  Poverty level in the US is right around $23k for a family of 4.  Plugging that income in, the "poor" in the US are still in the top 10.5% of the world income bracket.  I used "quotes" on poor for a reason...

Quick advice.  Its an ugly truth, but one that we have to keep reminding ourselves about.  Not to feel like junk about how lost we are, but to understand how truly blessed we all are to be living in this great country.  


God Bless

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