Hi all, if you missed the meeting last night, we went over the excel sheet that is attached to this dicussion. Vision and planning for 2012 events and service projects start now. If you are a committee leader, you are fully responsible for meeting with your group over the next month, and present ideas/proposal on how we should spend the funds that God has so graciously entrusted us with. New ideas/proposals will only be discussed at the next meeting, while existing ideas/proposals we are already familiar with and immediate needs will most likely be voted on March 20th. Please send all immediate needs and/or existing projects to me (filled out on the excel sheet please) by March 13th so I can compile them and have them ready to vote on at the meeting.
The form is not meant to be filled out off the cuff, but to have a significant amount of thought and prayer about where God is leading us as a group. I don't forsee us having any issues with spending money, but by putting as many details as possible, we can maximize the impact to our community and world. The POC field is very important, as all projects can and will die on the vine without someone to drive them to completion. If God gives you the idea, maybe he is calling you to lead the way. Pray the dangerous prayer, step out of the boat.