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  • Tim. How's the ice fishing going?
  • Tim, I look forward to meeting in person also.  See you Sunday!
  • Tim are you thinking of attending the wild game dinner on Feb 19th? Bring Sam and Suzanne.
  • Tim tonight is our monthly meeting if you can make it to KCC Troy, 7pm. I'd hate to eat your share 2 months in a row.


  • Hi Tim,  welcome to the FAST online community.  I'm glad to see some guys from the Rochester campus join the site.  Hopefully we get to meet in person soon.  I'll be at the potluck on Tuesday, maybe we can meet then.  Chris

  • Hey Tim good to see you made it on the site. Hope you can make the meet/potluck next tuesday. I see Suzanne found you too!!!
  • Hi Tim, You can't get away from us! :) Suzanne and Sam
  • Hey Tim, welcome to the team!!! Check out the events tab for the upcoming outings. We are having our end of the year pot luck next Tue. so come on out???
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