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  • Dennis can you make it to the Open House this Tuesday? Sure hope so.
  • Welcome Dennis
    Sorry I misse dThursday meeting. Just out of range for me.
  • Hi Chuck,
    Christian Sportsmen's Fellowship serves as a fellowship for sportsmen and their families to experience the love of Jesus Christ through the shared passion of the Great Outdoors. Chapters are formed by local churches wanting to start a chapter for the purpose of engaging sportsmen within their local community. You can visit the main website at Our chapter website is
    The two ministries (CSF and FAST) appear to be very similar. I believe our chapter is quite a bit smaller than yours. We have around 25 members. I am always looking for ideas on reaching individuals for Christ.

    I should be able to attend an upcoming meeting if you would like. I checked and cannot make the next Tuesday's meeting. My church is hosting the Lapeer Refuge for the homeless the next two weeks and I am scheduled for that evening. I look forward to talking with you more.
    Dennis Munro
  • Dennis is the Sportsmens fellowship something I should know about? Can you come to a future meeting?
  • Welcome Dennis. Maybe I'll run into you at a function. Greg Jager
  • Hi Dennis, welcome to the FAST online community. It's a great way to connect with other Christian Sportsmen. I hope to meet in person at an upcoming event. Enjoy the site! Chris :)
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